Bare Root Planting & Crew Leader Workshop Watch Recording Here

Do your tree planting gurus know the difference between a root flare, graft union, or adventitious roots? We'll review bare root planting techniques and nuances, staking and tying, tool safety, and working with volunteers to ensure happy and healthy trees and volunteers!

WHO: those overseeing volunteer teams on planting day (or those who want to hold their own crew leader orientation). Previous planting experience required. This is a great workshop for newer and veteran planters alike.

Planting & Care Videos

Tree Planting & Tending

Tree Tenders video library, including **How to Plant Bare Root video! PHS Arbor Tie Video.**

How to tie arbor tie (step 1-5) ****

Tips for Planting Crew Leader_2023.pdf (1).pdf

How to Plant Bare Root_2up.pdf

2021_Caring for New Tree_Color.pdf

Spanish Resources

How to Plant Bare Root_SP

Caring for New Tree_SP